About this blog
This blog ran live in the spring of 2005. The project is now finished.
The complete text of Cheeseburger Brown's popular fanfic tragicomedy along with bonus material not featured on the original weblog is available to download for free: The Darth Side PDF. Please consider leaving a tip if you've enjoyed what you've read, or showing your support by buying a 99 cent download of my novel Simon of Space: available now as a Kindle eBook or Non-Kindle eBook.
About Darth Vader
Darth Vader is an immaculately conceived knight-bastard imbued with magical powers who rules the known galaxy at the right hand of the merciless and brilliant Emperor Palpatine I. Though he maintains palaces on both Coruscant and Vjun, Vader spends most of his time travelling aboard Executor, the flagship of his deadly pan-galactic armada. He enjoys fixing things, listening to music, and crushing people's tracheas with his mind.
Also by this author
Felix and the Frontier
Goodbye to Kitty: Storybook
Wile: Biography of Wile E. Coyote
The Bikes of New York: Online Novella
The Darth Side: eBook
Recent Entries
- Darth Vader Superstar
- Here Comes The Son
- This Is Tense
- Darth Vader's Day Off
- Darth Sidious: People Person
- The Tao Of Sith
- Ewok Cook-Out
- Blasted Contractors!
- Vader's Pastorale
- Keep On Darthin' In The Free World
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