Author Chester Burton Brown
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Author Chester Burton Brown


New Probe Droids

Quiet day. Jumping the fleet toward the core.

The Executor and the rest of the Imperial armada have been recalled to Coruscant, in order that we may be equipped with the latest development in hunter-scanner probe droid technology from the factories of Geonosis. I am reluctant to accept this hiatus in our quest to uncover the hidden base of the Rebel Alliance, as I just received word that one of my bounty hunters has sighted the deserter and renegade Han Solo in the Ord Mantell system.

Despite this reluctance, I must obey my master.

My hatred for Solo is unique, and my feelings stem not only from our encounter in battle during the recent terrorist attack on the Death Star, but also my suspicion that it was he who orchestrated the escape of Princess Leia Organa and subsequent delivery of the stolen plans to the rebels at Yavin.

Of course, my son was with him. On the Death Star, and at Yavin. Though Fett did not say so, I wonder whether my son was with him at Ord Mantell, too.


I will have my vengeance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! Good luck with that, kid. The way history keeps getting re-written in this universe youll be lucky if I even went to Ord Mantell. I mean, obviously I would wait for the assasin to blow up the Swoop Track before I dodged right?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the author of the first comment also deleted?

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please face the fact that you killed your wife out of your overstrong homosexual urges, are torn by Reverse Oedipus complex your son, and are definitely in love with Solo. The next time you think about coming out of your helmet, please come out of the closet.

Dr. Broenhaagen
Psyche R Us

Blogger Marten said...

They have to respect him. Otherwise they get telekinetically throttled.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lord Vader,
I am not sure how familiar you are with deserters and discharged members within your ranks, but I do recall that Han Solo was in fact not a deserter but instead discharged from the Navy by his superiors for interfering with the punishment of one of the Wookie subordinates. I would like for you to take note of that.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

lazychris2000 feels something special about word "terrorist"?
A new tabu or yet another polit-correctness piece of shit?!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

tired of these trendy bush hating spineless bastards

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Grand Senate of the Republic elected Palaptine as their Chancellor, then gave him "extraordinary powers" to deal with the emergency. Eventually, such dealing led the Chancellor to declare himself Emperor. Thus, the Empire was the legitimate government. The Rebel assaults against various legitimate Imperial installations were at least as much "terrorist attacks" as, for instance, the bombing of the USS Cole in our own world.

Remember, one man's "freedom fighter" is another man's "terrorist"...

Blogger J Hicks said...

I thought Solo was discharged due to the incedent involving a gramme of antimatter and an Imperial training world's moon?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Despite promising skills, Solo was drummed out of the service when he defied orders and rescued a Wookiee slave, Chewbacca. Solo freed Chewbacca from his captors, and from that day on Chewbacca served as Han's protector and friend.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lord Vader the probe droids were built on Mechis III were they not?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

honorably or dishonorably discharged, he was still DISCHARGED. Solo did not desert.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone else want to make fun of my dawg Bush? Say anything bad about the prez and I swear, I'll get Vader to crush your trachea.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, guys look solo was repremanded for saving chewbaca and then honorably discharged! get it right people! but he also deserted our honorable government by choosing not to reenlist.
~Lady Ravanna


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